Madalena Anjos

Spike to spica 

Collective exhibition  - Galeria Monumental, Lisbon, 2023. 

View of the installation of Estúdio psicogeográfico (2023), at Galeria Monumental. 


In these works I explore new ways of generating thought and creation, through the combination of images, and the ideas and thoughts they evoke, which are then put on paper, either in words, collage or drawing. Their surfaces are also ways of archiving other images, marks, words, cutouts, schemes and maps. They come close to the idea of an atlas, a psychogeographic map. Poetry exercises, or spontaneous writing, with references to literature. They rehearse possibilities of how all of this can be used to create new fictions (artistic creation is always to create fictions, which may or may not become our reality). These are ways of studying and speculating. Speculate about language, about communication, about the future, about life, about the possibilities of image and text, and also of text as an image.

In them I test ways of storing information and data. I imagine possible physical trips and maps of these territories. Field trips to unknown latitudes, records of found artifacts, incomprehensible writings, survival games, the ruin as a place of new beginnings (power).

At the same time, I make real mental journeys – networks of connections, signs, marks and letters from foreign languages. I think about archeology (that is, something past found in the present and which always has something mysterious about it), but these image artefacts are marks that help us imagine the future. When we connect possibilities to the future, we get several futures.  


These group of works that make “Estúdio psicogeográfico” were shown in the exhibition Spike to Spica, but also in Por-pol net, Porto, 2023, and they are also shown on RATO platform, which you can access it here: